EpiCenter App FAQs
How do I set up my profile?
Tap "Get Started"
Enter Your Name
Tap "Next"
Add your allergen(s)
What if I have allergens outside the top-14?
Complete profile by adding your email address to receive tutorials, important updates
How do I add allergens?
Start by tapping "View All" allergens
Select "Edit" in the top right part of the screen
You may select/deselect any of the top-14 allergens
You may also add allergens that are outside the top-14 by selecting "Add Other" and entering your new allergen(s) to appear on the home screen & medical I.D.
How do I add auto-injectors?
Start by tapping "Auto-Injectors"
Tap the "+" symbol in the upper right
Enter your auto-injector's brand & expiration date
Where do I find my expiration date?
Add other identifying information you would like to include like photo or lot number

From epipen.ca
Where is the expiration date?
EpiPen's expiration date can be found on the side (see photo)

Auvi-Q's expiration date can be found on the side (see photo)
How do I add emergency contacts?
You can add new emergency contacts or take them directly from your phone.
Start by tapping "Emergency Contacts"
Tap the "+" in the upper right
To add an existing contact, tap "Phone Contacts"
Select the contact you want to add, include any details or photo, hit save
To add new contacts, tap "Create New"
Add the person's information & hit save

What can I access in the emergency menu?
The Emergency Menu in the EpiCenter App is designed to help you access as many helpful resources as possible during an allergic reaction.
Automatically and/or manually call emergency services
Automatically and/or manually send an SMS alert to your emergency contact(s) to let them know you are experiencing an allergic reaction while sharing your GPS location
Display a medical I.D. with your allergen information and emergency contact
Display a translated "help" message in 47 languages letting someone know you need emergency medical attention
Locate the nearest hospital(s) and open in your "Maps" app to find help
How do I select my emergency number?
Different countries use different emergency numbers. The U.S., for example, uses 911 while Taiwan uses 119. We'll be adding additional emergency numbers to the EpiCenter App. Right now, we have the U.S. and Canada set. For more information on which number to call during an emergency, we recommend referencing this travel.state.gov resource.
Which language should I show during an emergency?
The best language, of course, to use depends on whom you're speaking with. This link has one resource you can use for research. We also suggest you consult a travel guide or other local for area-specific advice.
What is the EpiCenter Case?
The EpiCenter Case is upcoming hardware that attaches to your EpiPen or Auvi-Q (don't worry - more versions are in the works!). It syncs with our app to let you and your contacts know if you accidentally forget your medication. It sends a notification with the last known location.
What is the Teal Personal Allergy Assistant?
The Teal Personal Allergy Assistant is an online service we designed along side The Coza Group to serve as your food diary, ladder challenge assistant, recipe book, and more. One of the most commonly requested add-ons to the EpiCenter App was the ability to track multiple profiles at once & record information throughout their food allergy journeys - and that's exactly why we integrated this service into the EpiCenter's core functionality. You can access the Teal Personal Allergy Assistant from your desktop or mobile browser here, or look for it in the EpiCenter App (December 2020 or later).