
May 14, 2019
Everything You Need to Know about Our New Emergency Features in One Minute or Less
The AssureTech Team has been hard at work making the AssureTech Mobile App more effective than ever during an emergency. Thanks to a...

Mar 11, 2019
What allergy messages do you want to communicate when traveling abroad?
For anyone that's been following our blogs the past couple of months, you'll know that I've been learning about traveling the world with...

Joey DiGangi III
Dec 17, 2018
Proper Planning Prevents Peanut Problems
I’m sure a lot of you are familiar with the adage, "perfect practice prevents poor performance." This past week, I’ve been traveling...

Joey DiGangi III
Nov 23, 2018
Eating in Taiwan Part II: Taking the Top 10 Challenge
A couple weeks ago, I published a blog post outlining my experience living, working, and finding peanut/tree nut-free food in Taiwan....

Joey DiGangi III
Nov 8, 2018
Inspiration for Our App: Living in Taiwan with a Peanut/Tree Nut Allergy
As a 22-year-old about to graduate, nothing is more thrilling or terrifying than being offered an opportunity to leave the United States...

Joey DiGangi III
Oct 31, 2018
Supportive Food Allergy Parents make Halloween Awesome
Halloween is a great time to reflect on how amazing food allergy parents are. My parents did everything from remembering my EpiPen to...