If you've been following our news lately, you'll know that we recently received a $10,000 grant to further develop our allergy solutions. After working with our development team at Perimark, we're just weeks away from adding new, life-saving features to our app.
Get Better Help When You Need it Most
If you've been using the AssureTech Mobile App already, you'll know that you can instantly locate a hospital during an emergency and display a translated "help" message (should the reaction occur while traveling).
With the new update, you'll have even more ability to get help at your fingertips!
Call an Uber
Once you locate a hospital, you'll now be able to arrange for an Uber to pick you up and take you. This feature will work wherever Uber is available, including over 60 countries and 400 cities worldwide!

Ask for Help
Before you're ready to go to the hospital, the first step is (usually) administering an EpiPen. If you find yourself needing help with this, don't worry! Our new update includes detailed instructions for how to properly administer an EpiPen that can be translated in any of the languages in our database.
After you show someone these instructions, you'll still be able to show them a second message asking for help getting to a hospital, and stating the food(s) that you're allergic to.

Effectively Communicate 130+ Allergens
Starting this February, our team launched a massive search to reach out to everyone with an allergy that we could to find out what allergens people have to avoid. After growing our list and working with a professional translation company, we're able to help as many people with as many allergens as possible communicate when traveling.
Besides translating more allergens, we're also translating more effectively than what we and other apps have previously offered. We know that communication isn't a one-way street, so we developed a patent-pending method that takes the guessing out of ordering food. Now when you show a server what you're allergic to, they'll have buttons right on screen, translated to their native language, that let's them respond "yes, this food is safe to eat and can be prepared in an allergen-free environment," or "no, this food is not safe for you." We believe that this communication will make our users much safer!

Stay in the Loop
The AssureTech Mobile App is almost ready to start including these updates. If you'd like to download the app ahead of time, you can do so here:
You can also follow us on social media, or subscribe to our mailing list to receive company updates, test our next-generation app before it goes to market, and more!