Southern Fried Green Tomatoes: Gluten-free and Top8 Allergy Free Recipe

One of my favorite dishes while growing up was fried green tomatoes, and they were something I looked forward to during the summer months. We traditionally would have them with breakfast, and it was a favorite of my Aunt’s to make. I would visit my Aunt Ramona’s house during the summer, and she is the one that taught me how to make them. Of course, I have had to alter this recipe as I found out about what I can and can’t eat. So I want to share with you my recipe for Southern Fried Green Tomatoes.
What You Need
4 to 5 green tomatoes
1 ½ cups of cornmeal, or Mesa ( If allergic to Corn then can double the amount of Gluten-free flour or sub safe bread crumbs)
1 ½ cups of a gluten-free flour blend that does not have Xanthium gum in it.
1 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
2 tsp paprika
2 cups of Safe Milk we use rice milk ( to make the "egg wash")
3 tablespoons of ground flaxseed( or chia seed)
1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (optional)
3 cups of frying oil of your choice. (To pan-fry the green tomatoes)
Looking for a Great Gluten-Free/Top-12 Friendly Flour Blend?
Learn More about the Greater Knead's Gluten-Free All-Purpose Flour Blend

Let’s Get Started
1st we need to make our ” buttermilk and egg “ wash. First, use 2 cups of safe milk for you. If you use rice milk that is shelf-stable as I have, then keep it at room temp then after opening it place in the refrigerator. The room temp milk will thicken quicker verses at a colder temp. Next, add the apple cider vinegar to the “milk” and whisk, this creates the “buttermilk.” Then add the flaxseed to the “milk” and whisk. Let mixture stand till it is thickened or an egg-like consistency.
While you are waiting for the “egg “ wash to thicken, you can go ahead and start on the next step. Take the flours and spices, and mix them. Place flour dredge in a container that has plenty of room to move around without flour going everywhere.
Next, take your green tomatoes that have been stored in the refrigerator, so they don’t turn red, and it also helps with coating for them to be cold. Slice the green tomatoes to the desired thickness; we slice ours approx ¼ of an inch.

If your “egg” wash is at the correct consistency, then you can start coating your tomatoes. First, place them in the “egg” wash and then coat liberally with the flour mixture. Repeat this till all slices are completely covered. Then either place the coated tomatoes in a dish lined with parchment paper in either the refrigerator or freezer for at least 15 minutes to allow breading to adhere to the green tomatoes.
Next, heat oil in a pan to shallow fry at 340 degrees Fahrenheit. Place a layer of tomatoes in the frypan and fry on each side for approx 5 minutes. Cooking time will change based on the thickness of your tomatoes.

After the tomatoes are browned, place them on a cooling rack or a plate with a towel to catch some of the greases. I like to salt and pepper the green tomatoes again right after they leave the oil before they cool down. You can enjoy them by themselves, with a safe dip of your choosing, or make a fried green tomato, bacon, and lettuce sandwich. Any way you eat them will be excellent. Let me know what your favorite way to eat your Sothern Fried Green Tomatoes is! I believe everyone deserves to eat delicious food, no matter what your diet limitations are.
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