We're closing the month with a special edition of #FounderFriday. We're sharing the stories and work behind three of the tech entrepreneurs whose companies are contributing to what make the EpiCenter App a great solution for food allergy sufferers. Their combined efforts will also be part of the new update going live within the coming month & introduce even better support for managing food allergies.
1) Caron Pollard - Founder of The Coza Group & Co-Inventor of the Teal App

Caron is an allergy mum from the UK who started her company, The Coza Group, because she's passionate about making sure "My anaphylactic daughter & others like her are not held back from living their best life due to their allergies."
Caron reached out to our Team in early 2020 with a vision to make new features, like adding multiple profiles for other food allergic family members, a forum to share experiences & recipes, and a food diary to track allergic reactions available for allergy sufferers. This new software is called the Teal App. The Teal App is available on your web browser and will also be accessible within the EpiCenter App so you can access every tool at your disposal in a single digital location.
"My mission is to create a portable synchronised digital platform to unite allergy families and the organisations they interact with for better support in the wider community; ICE support, personal assistant, e-commerce." Caron Pollard
Introducing "Smart" Medical Alert Gear with the Teal App
If you're a Teal App Premium Subscriber, you can order "Smart" Medical Alert Gear for your family. This new product is "Smart" because it uses a QR code that links directly to your profile in the Teal App, providing a bystander or EMT with:
Your Name
Emergency Contact + Call Button
Auto-Injector Instructions
One-Tap Hospital Location
The video below demonstrates how it works!
2) Kyle Dine - Founder of Equal Eats

Kyle is the founder of Equal Eats and has been helping food allergic travelers explore new countries thanks to his company's allergy translation cards.
"We provide customized dietary communication products to provide a clear and strong reminder of an allergy or restriction, foods to avoid and more. Our products are available in 50 languages covering 30+ dietary restrictions and 500 allergens." Kyle Dine
Thanks to Kyle, EpiCenter App users are able to access their Equal Eats profiles directly within the mobile app, and their emergency translations help you find medical attention. These translated "HELP" messages are available to free app users and are part of the Emergency Menu in the EpiCenter App.
The video above shows AssureTech founder, Joey DiGangi, running through the emergency features in the EpiCenter App - including Equal Eats' emergency translations!
3) Joey DiGangi - Founder of AssureTech
Joey DiGangi is a lifelong allergy sufferer & is the founder of our company. He drew the inspiration for many of the features in the EpiCenter App from his own experiences with food allergies - including a life-threatening allergic reaction in Taiwan.
The video shows Joey speaking with a crowd of aspiring entrepreneurs about how his personal struggles inspired the company's very first software solution (the beta version of the EpiCenter App).
"One of the things I am most grateful for is that my network is full of great entrepreneurs & other organizations that have helped me develop AssureTech over the years." Joey DiGangi
Joey is the founder of AssureTech, and has great partners that have supported the company's development of new technology for the Food Allergy Community, like Caron and Kyle above, or Kdan Mobile - AssureTech's technical partner that helped develop the EpiCenter App.
Manage Food Allergies Effectively with the EpiCenter App
Our mission is to connect allergy sufferers with as many life-saving and life-sustaining resources as possible to aid them throughout their food allergy journeys. We designed the EpiCenter App in a way that lets us incorporate the great work from entrepreneurs like Caron and Kyle in a single digital location. PLUS, you'll find safe-to-eat products and more from other entrepreneurs in the space in the Allergy Store that can accessed via the App or website. Download for free today on Apple or Android & get to know our community!