What Shoe Size are Allergies?
Many of us have heard the term "walk a mile in my shoes". For the food allergy community, this is symbolic of an easy way to share food allergy awareness thanks to Red Sneakers For Oakley. A nonprofit started by the parents whose son, Oakley, tragically passed away from a severe anaphylactic reaction at age 11, their mission is to promote food allergy education and awareness. Oakley wore red sneakers and by sharing about food allergy experiences and utilizing the mission through the use of red sneakers, Oakley lives on in with all of us.

May 20th is International Red Sneakers Day- let's celebrate Oakley's memory while advocating together all around the world to stand tall for food allergy awareness. Don't have sneakers? Share whatever red shoes you have! To be a part of this event, follow these simple steps:
- Share about the event
- Take a photo of yourself in red sneakers or shoes ( anything red)
- Share on your social media channels on May 20th
- Be sure your photo includes tag @redsneakersforoakley (Facebook & Instagram), @oakley_red (Twitter)
- Include hashtags #redsneakersforoakley
Don't have red sneakers? Red Sneakers For Oakley has partnered with Dick's Sporting Goods to offer discount coupons. Simply click here.

Food allergies is never "one size fits all". An allergic reaction can happen to anyone at any time. Please remember to always carry two autoinjectors and any other necessary lifesaving medications that you may need in case of an allergic reaction. When it comes to anaphylaxis, seconds count. Your life is worth being prepared for.