
The AssureTech Team
Apr 2, 2019
Communicate Your Allergy Like Never Before - Adding Uber, 130+ Allergens, and New Translations
If you've been following our news lately, you'll know that we recently received a $10,000 grant to further develop our allergy solutions....

The AssureTech Team
Mar 18, 2019
AssureTech Awarded $10K Grant from Ben Franklin Technology Partners
HUNTINGDON, Pa.—AssureTech, LLC was awarded a $10,000 pre-seed grant from Ben Franklin Technology Partners to continue their development...

The AssureTech Team
Mar 11, 2019
What allergy messages do you want to communicate when traveling abroad?
For anyone that's been following our blogs the past couple of months, you'll know that I've been learning about traveling the world with...

The AssureTech Team
Feb 6, 2019
Join our development team!
Are you a software engineer? Did you major in computer science? Doesn't matter--that's not what we're looking for right now! As promised,...

The AssureTech Team
Dec 31, 2018
The EpiCenter: Our 2019 Commitment
Today is the last day of 2018, and everyone's got resolutions on the mind. Our team had an exciting 2018, but has far bigger plans for...

The AssureTech Team
Dec 27, 2018
2018 in Review: Top Lessons Learned
With 2018 coming to an end, it's a perfect time to look back on the past 12 months. We've had a very exciting year, with releasing our...