Something we're extremely passionate about is connecting everyone that uses our app or visits our website to the different resources that are available throughout the food allergy community. We wanted to create this blog as a directory, of sorts, that talks about some of the great information & other allergy-related resources we include!
Content from the Community
We love having the opportunity to work with so many different bloggers and other content creators. Nutritionally Nicole, The Land of Can, The Itch Podcast, and The Art of Allergies are just some of the regular contributors to our app!
This video highlights some of the different types of content that you'll find within the AssureTech Mobile & Desktop App:
Allergy-Friendly Food & Related Products
Another collaboration that we're very excited about is the Allergy Store. We teamed up with Allergy Orchard to create this online platform that's filling up with more allergy-related resources by the day!
The Allergy Orchard Team has stocked the online shelves with allergy-friendly food that's free from over 25+ different allergens that you can toggle to find the right choice for you. You can also find allergy-related products, like books or medical alert gear.
News & Information About Allergy-Related Foundations
We also try to help track down news related to food allergies from the web and from organizations we connect with that are supporting research and/or awareness-related causes. In the past, this has included Walk for Andrea, Top 10 Challenge, and others.
Stay Connected
If you want to stay connected to the resources we discussed in this blog, we encourage you to subscribe to our mailing list below. We'll share important information about our app, organizations we work with, and more!
Are You an Allergy-Related Brand or Company?
We are always looking for more opportunities to collaborate and help connect with the food allergy community!
If you're a content creator that's interested in uploading your work to the AssureTech Mobile App, send us an email with your website and we will be happy to get in touch.
For food allergy-related companies interested in joining the Allergy Store, visit our vendor site for more information.