Food Allergy-Friendly Food in Disney's Galaxy's Edge - Celebrating Star Wars Day
I hope everyone is staying safe & enjoying the spring weather! Since today is Star Wars Day (think: "May the 'Fourth' be with you"), I thought something lighthearted that highlights two food allergy-friendly options in Disney's Galaxy's Edge would be the perfect way to celebrate.
I had a chance to go to Disney World this past winter with my family a few weeks before travel stopped and one of Hollywood Studio's newest attractions, Galaxy's Edge, was among the top highlights of the trip.

Walt Disney World already enjoys a great reputation in the food allergy community as one of the more accommodating destinations so I'll focus on the newer places our family tried.
We did our best to find themed restaurants that took you directly into the Star Wars World.
Ronto Roasters
The main place we went was Ronto Roasters. It was our go-to lunch stop each of the days we went to Hollywood Studios. My favorite was the Ronto Wrap - a peanut/tree nut-friendly turkey & sausage wrap on pita with vegetables.

Oga's Cantina
One of the other interesting stops was Oga's Cantina, which is taken right from A New Hope's famous cantina scene.
It was a great seeing a famous movie set come to life with different characters and in-world items everywhere. We also got to try a number of different alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages with otherworldly twists, like the Carbon Freeze:

Other Highlights
Galaxy's Edge had a lot more to offer than allergy-friendly food alone, and I wanted to post a few of the other scenes from the park:
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