The past few months have been crazy to say the least! In the middle of everything else, it's possible that you may have missed some updates that the Food & Drug Administration released in the past 30 days. We've gathered some key details shared about the recent labeling changes and have recall updates that were announced.
Labeling Updates During the COVID-19 Pandemic
We know this has been an area of stress for many families affected by food allergies - especially those with allergies outside of the top-8! We came across this great article (originally shared by FARE) the other day from the FDA that discusses some FAQs related to the new changes that we think everyone should take a look at.
Read Full Article Here
Some of the main takeaways include:
Stating that these changes are part of the COVID-19 pandemic response and will be temporary
Encouraging food companies to be transparent about these changes and to let people know about substitutions via website updates, social media, and other digital channels
The top-8 allergens cannot be substituted without changing the label
If you're looking for more explanation on the changes and how they affect you and your family, we highly recommend this article and video from that offers a great breakdown of the new policy's implications.
Companies that will NOT be Substituting Ingredients
Despite the temporary policy changes, many companies in the food allergy community, including the manufacturers featured in the Allergy Store, have pledged not to make substitutions in their ingredients.
For an additional reference, Spokin has compiled a great list companies that will not be changing their ingredients.
Food Allergy-Related Recalls from June
The FDA also released five new recall updates in June that we wanted to quickly share.
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