Gluten Free Baking Mixes from the Heartland (You'll love 'em!)
Welcome to Community Bakers where you will find the best in gluten free baking mixes. They taste good! Imagine that! Visit our website at
We are small, we are in Milwaukee and we are on a mission to create the best tasting baking mixes out there at the best price. ALL ingredients are listed on the label. Nothing is hidden so you know what you are eating.
If you are like our founder, RoseMary, you have probably still been "affected" by so called "gluten free" products. Who knows what's in them?
You won't have that problem with our mixes. Our mixes are made in a dedicated gluten free commercial kitchen here in our hometown. By us. So we know what goes into every step of production. No third party contract here.
Also, our mixes are tested on real live gluten effected people (RoseMary included. She is celiac.) including those on the FODMAP diet. And they love them. We also test our raw materials as they come in the door.
So what are the mixes you can enjoy from Community Bakers? Here is the list:
- Deep Chocolate Mocha Crinkle Cookie Mix
- Tuscan Rosmary Focaccia Mix - also makes a great pizza crust
-Northwoods Skillet Cornbread Mix
- Carrot Cake Mix
- Sunrise Lemon Cranberry Muffin Mix - coming by April 15, 2020. (We can hardly wait!)
So come and visit us at our website and start baking!
- Your Friends at Community Bakers